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Reports > 2024 > September > Wednesday 25
Sunday, August 25, 2024
By Dave Graybill
The news about the coho season in our region just gets better and better. The Icicle River opened to fishing recently, and so did fishing for coho on the main stem Columbia River. You can now keep coho from Priest Rapids Dam all the way up to Bridgeport. Like the Icicle the daily limit is two adult coho. If you haven’t tried fishing for coho, you may want to get a copy of my free E-Letter for fall fishing. I cover fishing for Chinook in the Hanford Reach, as usual, and I have added several pages dedicated to fishing for coho. If you aren’t on the list to receive the E-Letters, just go the fishing magician website and click on the logo at the top left-hand side of the Home Page. I’ll make sure you get a copy. You will find that fishing for these coho isn’t that difficult, and with the numbers that we expect to return to our area are huge. If you haven’t tried it this would be the year to do it. When the fish arrive in sufficient numbers, I will do a video on fishing for them on the Columbia and the Icicle.