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Reports > 2024 > September > Monday 02
Monday, September 2, 2024
By Dave Graybill
When I finished sockeye fishing at Lake Wenatchee, I was ready to go into walleye mode. Fishing for these tasty fish can really pick up in the fall. My friend James Lebow had other plans, though. He had missed out on the salmon fishing below Wanapum for at least two seasons, and he wanted to be there on Sunday when it opened. We found the parking lot overflowing at the Huntzinger Road launch when we arrived that morning. We made the run down below the railroad trestle and found about twenty boats already trolling for kings. They were moving parallel to the shore in the area where Crab Creek enters the Columbia. I had warned James that the run of fall fish hadn’t reached this stretch of the Columbia yet, but he was determined to get down to his favorite place to fish for kings. While we tried different colors and styles of Super Baits, we saw a fair number of kings being landed. We were about ready to pack it in when one of the downrigger rods when off and we finally landed a king. We plan to get back down there soon. More fish are arriving every day!