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Reports > 2024 > September > Thursday 05
Thursday, September 5, 2024
By Dave Graybill
I drove up to Lake Wenatchee the other day to help my friend Rollie Schmitten move his boat off the water. He had a great sockeye season and took a bunch of folks out to experience the best fishing ever on the lake. It was a stellar day. Utterly calm, the lake was like a mirror. After we got his boat parked at his house we decided to drive up the White River valley to a spot where he knows the sockeye like to spawn. We crossed the bridge to reach the shore opposite the main road, and the water was that milky emerald green from the glacier silt that taints the White. It was a drive of a few miles up to where Rollie likes to observe sockeye in a large wide tailout. We found that quite a few sockeye had reached this area of the river. The fish now have the distinctive green heads and red bodies they develop as they approach spawning. We watched some swish the gravel to create their redds. Rollie said that the fish we saw in this area of the river is a fraction of the numbers that will be here soon.