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Reports > 2022 > June > Tuesday 21
Tuesday, June 21, 2022
By Eric Granstrom
For, I'm Eric Granstrom. When the girls were young, I'd take them to the local pet store and called it the "free zoo." They loved looking at all the different animals and knew beforehand that we weren't taking anything home and were there just to "look." Say what you want, but I thought I was Dad of the year for that hour. Sometimes the places you find incredible displays of various species of animals can be quite surprising. One such place is Benny's Colville Motel. Walk into their lobby and you're greeted with hundreds of stuffed fish on the walls from all around the world. If you head to our Facebook page, I've posted quite a few photos of the various mounts you'll see at Benny's. This is an old-fashioned motel where you get an actual key to your room. Not many places like THAT anymore. And, there's not just fish on the wall at Benny's. You'll find elk, deer, a cougar and quite a few old guns hanging near the ceiling. The now-departed Benny was responsible for harvesting all the mounts you'll see. Another great place to see incredible mounts is Hank's Harvest Foods in Twisp. Until next time, Good Fishing!