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Reports > 2022 > June > Friday 17
Friday, June 17, 2022
By Dave Graybill
I had a friend reach out to me about where I plan on fishing for summer salmon and sockeye on the opening day, which is July 1st. I fished opening day with Shane Magnuson for many years and we started the season at either Wanapum or Chelan Falls. We had good success at both locations. This year I am thinking about starting out in the Brewster Pool this year. I am watching the dam counts already and both summer salmon and sockeye are on the way. I usually fish the Brewster Pool once or twice each season and we always get our sockeye and have put a few kings in the cooler here, too. I have hooked kings on my sockeye gear and managed to land them a time or two. Wanapum can be great, but it looks like this could be a high water year and that makes navigating the fishing area below the dam a real challenge. Chelan Falls has treated me very well on past openers. It is getting to be extremely crowded in the early season. Mainly because of the high ratio of hatchery fish taken here. I haven’t made up my mind yet, so we’ll see.
In this photo Shane Magnuson holds the king I landed fishing with him at Chelan Falls in a past season.