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Reports > 2022 > January > Tuesday 11
Tuesday, January 11, 2022
By Eric Granstrom
For I'm Eric Granstrom. A trophy is in the eye of the beholder. I'm not into trophy hunting. To me, having the incredible good fortune to harvest an animal is reward enough. Yes, it would be nice to someday bag an animal that's worth contacting a taxidermist about, but it's not the end-all, be-all for me. I know several people who have mounted fish that they've caught. Of course, I've never netted a fish that would be considered a prize enough to warrant being stuffed, but what do you even do?! According to what I read is that you first need to decide if you're doing a replica mount or a skin fish mount. If it's a replica, take a ton of high quality photos. And, take those photos as soon as you get the fish out of the water as possible. The more the fish lies around, the more it will lose its natural coloration. It's also important to get measurements of the fish both in length and girth. It's recommended to get a replica over a natural skin fish mount if you want it to stand the test of time. Until next time, Good Fishing!