I have been back to Lake Wenatchee again. It’s hard to leave this fishery when I have the incredible convenience to having my boat tied to a dock right on the lake, within minutes of great fishing for sockeye. Add that to the fact that there are still very good numbers of sockeye available and that the bite has improved since the stormy weather. Well, where would I rather be. I have been spending more time at the upper end of the lake rather than off West Point as I was earlier in the season. Running two or three hook rigs, tied on 10-inch leaders with a small pink hoochie on the top hook has worked well for me. I have recently started running three-hook rigs without a hoochie and have had good success. Red hooks of course, and size 1/0 or 2/0 are good. I am running two downriggers to much deeper depths. We are getting fish at 90 and 100 feet now. I also run two rods out the back. One with an 8-ounce sinker, the other with a 10. I let these out 100 to 125 feet and they get a lot of fish. Pressure continues to be light.
Monica Beich shows off one of the sockeye she landed on a recent trip to Lake Wenatchee.