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Fishin' Reports

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Reports > 2020 > September > Thursday 24
Thursday, September 24, 2020
By Eric Granstrom
For, I'm Eric Granstrom. Dad and I spent the past two-plus weeks archery elk hunting in the Colockum. While we haven't stuck an arrow into the side of anything other than a target in that time, we've had a fantastic hunt. Getting out this time of year, during the rut, and hearing the bull elk bugle and raise a ruckus is exhilarating. Of course, spending quality time bouncing around miserable DNR roads with my Dad is better yet. The shared experience of a father and son, no matter the age, is special. We reminisced about old hunting trips and our foibles archery hunting, laughed, and created all new memories in the process. I put up a ground blind not far off the road on an easy walk for Dad. He's in his upper 70's now and while his mind is young, his body not so much. So I've played bird dog and caller, trying to coax elk his way. In the process, I've put some miles on this body that have felt great. And I've seen views that are etched in my mind for forever. I put a little moment of Zen on our Facebook page just for you. Until next time, Good Hunting!