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Fishin' Reports

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Reports > 2020 > September > Friday 25
Friday, September 25, 2020
By Dave Graybill
I had high hopes for fishing on Thursday. My buddy James Lebow wanted to get back down to try off Crab Creek below Wanapum Dam. We fished here in late August and had pretty good luck. I thought we would be way to early to find fish below Wanapum, but we got a great surprise at 8:30 when our back rod went off and James landed a 28-pound king. We got another smaller fish a little later, so we thought we had a good day. Fishing usually improves as the fall fish move up through the Hanford Reach and “overshoot” Priest Rapids Dam. There were about a half dozen boat fishing this area when we arrived, and we did see two small fish landed while we were there. I think more fish were caught, but before we got there. We did get a couple of bumps on our downrigger rods and had a very good strike on the back rod again, but it slipped the hook. Then the wind started to blow, and it blew hard enough to chase us off the water. I’m not giving up on this area for fall fishing. It should just get better as the season progresses.