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Reports > 2020 > October > Friday 16
Friday, October 16, 2020
By Dave Graybill
I have wanted to get down to Potholes Reservoir and try the walleye fishing, and my good friend Brian Neilson invited me out on his boat on Wednesday of this week. We were joined by our usual fishing partner James Lebow. We almost postponed the trip due to the forecast for high winds. We went anyway and were surprised to find flat water when we launched at Mar Don Resort. The search for walleye started north of the State Park, and although we marked some fish, they just weren’t biting. We tried a spot further up toward Crab Creek and didn’t see enough walleye on the screen to keep us there very long. We did mark lots of crappie, but the spot where we started was more promising for what we were really after. When we pulled into the original area we saw lots of walleye on the screen in 25 to 35 feet of water in the rolling dunes. I got three fish right away and then missed four in a row. James hooked and landed a dandy 20 ½-inch walleye. We reeled in a lot of worms that were chomped off but didn’t hook anymore. Then the wind started to blow, so we headed for the dock at noon. Mission accomplished. Enough for a fresh walleye dinner.
I started our day on Potholes with this nice eater, and we got fish to 20 ½ inches on Wednesday.