For, I’m Eric Granstrom. We’ve all had it happen…make big plans for a great fishing trip and something comes up. In this case, it was my wife’s breakfast. We had plans of fishing kokanee in Conconully last weekend with my in-laws. But as I called my wife on my way home from work Friday, she informed me she’d been vomiting since she got up. So influenza was stepping right in the middle of a weekend filled with fishing and fun. As I spent Friday night and Saturday morning tending to her, I admit my mind was on the waters up north, wondering how the fishing was going. I was tempted. I longingly walked slowly past my driveway-bound boat, running my hand along the gunwale, imagining the breeze in my face and the sound of a winding downrigger singing in my ear as I reeled in another darting “silver”. My father in-law told me they fished a couple hours each day, catching 8 kokanee Saturday and 9 Sunday with an average size of 13-inches. My wife was feeling more herself by Sunday night. We are already searching the calendar for our next chance to go. Until next time, Good Fishing!