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Reports > 2015 > April > Friday 24
Friday, April 24, 2015
By Dave Graybill
The biggest fishing weekend of the year is coming up and I hope you are all prepared. It is surprising how many people make arrangements for camping for their families, get the gear together, get the boat running and then forget to buy their fishing license! I hope this is on your list of things to do before you head out for the weekend. Anglers are eager to get at the trout in our Eastern Washington lakes. They have always been popular, and with the new planting policy of the Department of Fish and Wildlife, bigger fish are now available. Instead of the 6- to8-inch planters of the past, policy is to put trout that are at least three to the pound in the lakes. Anglers are very pleased with this change. In addition, the department is putting “jumbo” triploid rainbow in many of our lakes. These fish average 1.5 pounds each. Count on your traditional favorite lake to provide you with the kind of experience your family has expected for decades, and possibly bigger trout than you are used to getting. Also, don’t throw away your old punch cards. Send them back to the department by the end of the month.