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Reports > 2014 > March > Monday 10
Monday, March 10, 2014
By Dave Graybill
The big news in our region is the drawdown of the Columbia River as a result of a fracture discovered in the spillway section of Wanapum Dam. The drawdown has had the desired effect. By taking pressure off the dam the fracture has receded and the Grant County PUD has downgraded the Emergency Action Plan to “non-failure” emergency status. I have advised anglers and boaters to stay off the river when it is in this drawdown state, as the low levels have exposed hazards that were not a factor to navigation before. Both Grant County and Chelan County PUDs have requested that people stay off the river banks and shorelines that have been exposed. These are very soft and hazardous, and Grant County PUD has posted signs to keep people off the shores and will be patrolling and issuing citations to people that violate the no trespassing rule that is in place. I have not received word as to what steps are being taken to repair the fracture and how long it may take. There are concerns about salmon and steelhead smolt that will be moving downstream, and salmon and steelhead returning to our region. Grant County has been in direct contact with me and is keeping me up to date.