The Icicle Valley Chapter of Trout Unlimited and the local Chapter of Ducks Unlimited have joined forces to offer area sportsmen a new and different event. On Sunday, October 10th they are going to hold a salmon BBQ and Trap Shoot at the Cashmere Gun Club. For just $25.00 you can take part in the salmmon BBQ and the Trap Shoot. The box of shotgun shells for the trap shoot has been donated by Der Sportsman in Leavenworth and Hooked on Toys in Wenatchee. For those fifteen years of age and under the fee is just fifteen dollars. The event will start at 10 a.m. and end at three. There will be shooting games that will be fun for all ages. They encourage everyone to bring their field guns and give it a try. To get your tickets, call 509-860-1510, or 509-548-0903. You can purchase tickets on-line by logging onto