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Reports > 2025 > January > Wednesday 15
Wednesday, January 15, 2025
By Dave Graybill
The steelhead season is grinding along this year. The return was adequate to open a season on the Methow River and some areas of the main stem Columbia River, and I continue to get reports of fish being caught. I also have been getting notes from followers that haven't ever fished for steelhead and wondered where to start. First of all, I suggest that they learn to rig with a bobber and jig, and one of my most popular videos describes just that. If you search the Dave Graybill YouTube channel for “How to Rig for Steelhead with a Bobber and Jig”, you will find it. This was done way back in 2014 but gives anglers an excellent step by step instruction on how to set up. It is one the most popular videos I have done, with over 183 thousand views. Once an angler knows how to rig for steelhead, I am suggesting they start their fishing adventure at Pateros. Fishing from the docks or from the walking path along the river here is a great place to look for steelhead. The channel here is about 12 feet deep, and fish will be in here throughout the season.