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Reports > 2025 > January > Monday 20
Monday, January 20, 2025
By Dave Graybill
One of my neighbors texted me that he heard people were fishing on the ice at Fish Lake, near Lake Wenatchee last Sunday. I decided to head up there early to check on the condition of the ice and let him know what I learned. There was one truck in the parking lot when I arrived and when I walked out on the dock, I could see two anglers hunched over holes in the ice. I was nervous but walked cautiously out to see how thick the ice was where they were fishing and how they were doing. The anglers had driven up to Fish Lake from Moses Lake and were outfitted with some very high-tech gear. They said that there was three or four inches of not clear, but ice honey combed with snow. They felt secure here but wouldn’t recommend going out any further. We all agreed that if the cold weather continued that the ice would be good in another week. They did land one perch while I was there. As I was leaving three more trucks full of ice fishers pulled into the parking area, loaded their sleds and headed out. I’m going to give it another week.