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Reports > 2025 > January > Friday 03
Friday, January 3, 2025
By Dave Graybill
The ice fishing season will be here soon, so it’s time go over your gear so you’re ready. Some lakes that are at high elevation are freezing, and the annual Molson Ice Fishing Derby is just a couple of weeks away. I have a plastic sled that holds all of my gear when I am heading out on the ice. I punched some holes along the edges and threaded elastic parachute cord back and forth across the sled. This keeps my gear from sliding off when I am dragging it along. A couple of years ago I decided to try the electric power drill method of drilling through the ice. I got a good strong drill and an adapter to attach it to the auger. It is important that you get the disk that fits on top of the auger, as the auger will slip through the hole when it’s drilled. I have several ice fishing rods and holders and folding chairs, and I also take along some carpet samples to stand or kneel on, so my feet or knees are directly on the ice. Now I just throw in my ice fishing lure box, and I am ready to go.