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Reports > 2022 > September > Thursday 29
Thursday, September 29, 2022
By Eric Granstrom
For, I'm Eric Granstrom. I'm not sure what it is with my fascination with numbers, but I'm hooked. Of course, with a ticking clock the only constant in life is the moment we just shared is now gone forever and we only have the next ticking our way. If we're lucky. As fishermen, we're also enthralled by the numbers. How many fish did you catch? How long was that fish you caught? How much did it weigh? How deep were you fishing? What was your speed? It's all about numbers. And sometimes, those magic numbers of speed, depth, leader-length, and number of pulls off the downrigger clip work out with a whale of a fish. I've not looked into numerology enough to know anything about it, but I often think its a sign when the gas pump clicks off at $101.01 or I look at a clock and it's 11:11. There's also some magical numbers happening in Major League Baseball right now. Aaron Judge, who wears #99 just tied Roger Maris, who wore #9, with 61-home runs. Roger managed this feat in 1961. By the way, that was almost exactly 61-years ago. Until next time, Good Fishing!