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Fishin' Reports

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Reports > 2022 > September > Friday 23
Friday, September 23, 2022
By Dave Graybill
If you saw my Facebook post you would have seen several openings to salmon fishing in our region. One was the opening of coho fishing on the Icicle River. I thought I would drive over and check things out and when I arrived I found the gates closed! There was no way to get to the access below the hatchery. So, I ran over there and spoke to the assistant manager who was surprised to learn that the season had opened. He said he would check the news release and get the gate opened right away. When I went by a little later he had done what he promised. The closed gate may not have turned many anglers away. The water is extremely low right now and didn’t see any evidence of coho in the stretch below the hatchery. The coho must have missed the release about the opening of the season, too. Less than 400 have passed over Rock Island Dam. The run is showing up much later than last year. There are good numbers of coho coming up the Columbia and fishing will get in gear soon. A good rain would help move fish into the Icicle.