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Reports > 2019 > November > Thursday 21
Thursday, November 21, 2019
By Dave Graybill
For, I'm Eric Granstrom. I committed to something yesterday I've never done before. Not sure why. I've been on plenty of hunting and fishing trips with family. I've gone on a few with buddies. But never a large group. This will be different. I'll be headed to the All Guys Campout on Rufus Woods Reservoir the first weekend in December. This has been an ongoing tradition for a number of years where a bunch of guys get together, camp out for a few days and hunt and fish. There might be just a couple tall tails told. Some stories around a fire. A few nights of cards and a few days of fishing and hunting ducks. In the end, proceeds benefit Fallen Outdoors and a local Cub Scout Pack. If you didn't know, Fallen Outdoors is a non-profit organization that gets veterans out hunting and fishing and no cost to those who have given so much. It should be a fun time and a chance to connect with guys who have like-interests from around North Central Washington. I'm really looking forward to seeing our camp location at Peniel Ranch near the first set of net pens. Until next time, Good Fishing!