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Fishin' Reports

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Reports > 2016 > December > Wednesday 28
Wednesday, December 28, 2016
By Dave Graybill
It was bright and sunny on Tuesday morning in Leavenworth, so I decided it would be a good day to check on the ice conditions at Fish Lake, near Lake Wenatchee. Long before I reached the lake the skies closed up and it was snowing hard. When I pulled into the parking area there were only a couple of trucks there. I saw a father and son fishing from the safety of the dock, and just two anglers out on the ice. I wasn’t too keen on the idea but thought I had better check with them and if they were catching anything. I trudged through slushy snow to where they had set up, which was just at the mouth of the Cove Resort bay. They had been nervous about the ice and didn’t want to go any further out and used the first holes that had been left by anglers the previous day or so. I checked their hole and found the ice very marginal. Although we are getting nights of below zero temperatures there is quite a bit of snow on top of the ice at Fish Lake. That’s the pattern: a freeze then snow and it makes ice fishing an iffy proposition here.