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Reports > 2016 > August > Wednesday 03
Wednesday, August 3, 2016
By Dave Graybill
The sockeye salmon bite continues to be good on Lake Wenatchee. I visited the lake last weekend and got to see the results that were being recorded by the fish checker at the State Park launch. There was a range of success. One of the boats that I talked to had just two fish, while the next had a dozen. I know that my friend Rollie Schmitten landed 10 the same day, while fishing with this daughter and grandson. When I was there the wind was howling, but I was told that conditions were much better at the upper end of the lake. Some days are better than others, and some anglers are doing better than others, but overall it is still very much worth the trip to Lake Wenatchee for sockeye. On the other hand the sockeye fishing in the Brewster Pool is quite a bit slower. There are only about 500 fish a day coming over Wells Dam now, and we are seeing the tail end of the run, which has passed 200,000. Sockeye move fast though, and the early fish shot up the Okanogan while it was still cool. This is a good thing. That means very good numbers reached the new hatchery in B.C. Remember, this facility has the capacity of releasing 5 million sockeye at full production. Think what that means for the future.