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Reports > 2015 > July > Wednesday 29
Wednesday, July 29, 2015
By Dave Graybill
Halleluiah! Lake Wenatchee is opening for sockeye fishing one hour before official sunrise on Thursday, July 30th. There was real concern that we would not have a sockeye fishery on the lake, in spite of the forecast of over 100,000 to return to Lake Wenatchee this year. The cooler weather we had last week was just enough to move thousands of sockeye from the Columbia River, up over Tumwater Dam to the lake. It is estimated that there are 30,000 sockeye in the lake already which provides 7,000 fish for harvest. Anglers are reminded that only barbless hooks may be used in this fishery, and up to three per line are allowed. Two poles may be used if the angler has the two-pole endorsement. The Columbia River Salmon and Steelhead Endorsement is also required for the Lake Wenatchee sockeye fishery. The daily limit is four sockeye, and all bull trout, steelhead and Chinook salmon must be immediately released without removing them from the water. The fishery will be closely monitored and may close on short notice. It will be important to check the WDFW web site regularly for an announcement.