I don’t remember getting an announcement that steelhead fishing had closed on the upper Columbia and the tributaries for steelhead fishing, but I just got a release announcing that it had been re-opened. I recent years we have seen a split season for steelhead. As we approached the mortality rate threshold in early winter, the season had closed and then re-opened to allow anglers to fish in the late winter. The recent news release reminds anglers that fishing for steelhead is open for taking hatchery fish on the upper Columbia, Wenatchee, Entiat, Methow, Okanogan and Similkameen rivers. Fishing will remain open until further notice, except that there will be parts of the Okanogan River that will close on March 1st. I am glad I got this notice, as I wanted to remind anglers that the best steelhead fishing of the season often occurs in February and March. The closer steelhead get to their spawning time the more aggressive they are. The Okanogan River can be spectacular right after the ice comes off, and the Methow can also produce amazing catches in the upper reaches in March. So don’t put your steelhead gear away. The best is yet to come.