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Reports > 2009 > December > Friday 18
Friday, December 18, 2009
By Dave Graybill
Warmer weather has anglers very excited about the prospect of getting out on the water again here in Central Washington. The only boats that have been venturing out on Rufus Woods are those with full cover and heaters. The fishing for the bigger triploids is anticipated to be much better now. Bob Fately at the Triangle Shell in Brewster says that two anglers from Wenatchee were in recently with four fish from Rufus. The smallest was 7 pounds and the largest was 12 pounds, not a bad day. Steelhead fishing is good for those who know the water in this area, too. Anglers are taking good numbers of steelhead consistently from Bridgeport to down below Wells Dam. One of the better spots so far this season has been above Wells Dam. Anglers are actually trolling their bobbers, to cover more area, and doing very well. Others are trolling Blue Fox spinners and some plugs to take their fish. Rivers in the area are out of action for the time being, but Rufus Woods and the main stem Columbia are great options.