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Reports > 2024 > August > Tuesday 27
Tuesday, August 27, 2024
By Dave Graybill
The spectacular sockeye season helped anglers who struggled getting their fill of fishing for kings this summer. The return of Chinook to the upper Columbia was dismal and there are high hopes for a good run of fall salmon to the Hanford Reach and further upstream. One of my friend James Lebow’s favorite places to fish on the Columbia is off Crab Creek, below Wanapum Dam. He’s had good success there in the past and is anxious to get down there after it opens to fishing on September 1st. He is already getting his boat and tackle ready. I can understand why he is keen on this fishery. He talked me into going are couple of years ago, and I agreed as I hadn’t tried my luck there in several years. Let’s just say it was great idea. We didn’t get a lot of fish, but the one James landed was one of the best fish I had ever seen from the area. It put up a terrific fight and we were shocked when we got it in the boat. It was so bright and probably weighed close to 30 pounds. No wonder we’re eager to get back there.