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Reports > 2024 > August > Monday 12
Monday, August 12, 2024
By Dave Graybill
The Lake Wenatchee sockeye fishery is still going strong. Anglers are having good success, with many posting consistent limits. Wind has been an issue this season. Usually, we talk about the number of windy days compared to calm days on the lake, but this year has been the reverse. It has been the calm days that have been scarce. Recently though, there has been a string of clear skies and calm water, and talking to other anglers on the water they agree that the action can often be slower with these conditions. This is particularly true when the sun hits the water. About a week ago, when sockeye bites were getting to be far apart, I tried something different. Rather than the three red hook and three black hook setups that worked well in the morning, I dug out some of the brightest hooks and beads I had on hand. That seemed to do the trick. We limited fairly quickly after the switch. Now I am doing it every day with very good results. It reminded me that you have to be willing to experiment to have success. I am also fishing much deeper to get my sockeye now, too.