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Reports > 2024 > August > Tuesday 20
Tuesday, August 20, 2024
By Dave Graybill
Time to break it down. I have ended my sockeye season on Lake Wenatchee and brought my boat home. Now the work starts. Before I can get ready for another fishery I need to first get my sockeye gear sorted out. There are broken leaders scattered in the gunnel trays, lead balls to be sorted by size, rods to be stored, and the overall clutter cleaned up. The deck of my boat is surprisingly clean, mainly due to the excellent washdown system in this Smoker Craft. It took a while to sort out all the sockeye gear, and it is important that it goes somewhere that I can find it when the season comes up next year. I am used to switching out gear to change what I need for different fisheries. I will be loading my walleye gear into the boat for a trip planned for later this week. Fortunately, I have all that tackle within easy reach, and the rods and reels already set up. My friend Brian Nielson is going to join me on Friday, to help me do a video on some of the best places to fish for walleye on Banks Lake. It should be posted soon.