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Reports > 2023 > December > Wednesday 06
Wednesday, December 6, 2023
By Dave Graybill
The weather in Leavenworth has been awful. We got buried in snow and then it started to rain. So, my first project is to get all the snow and water off the cover of my boat, and make sure it is drained. I haven’t moved my boat to its winter location yet. I always hold off as long as I can to get as many winter trips in as possible. My next project is to load my smoker with a new batch of sockeye. We have family from Anaconda, Montana coming later in the week, and I want to send them home with some smoked sockeye. I also want to make up some of my salmon spread to enjoy while they are here. I used to just hand out chunks of smoked fish, and then I started making the salmon spread. People love it so I make sure my family members get some for the Holidays. It’s very simple to make. All you need, aside from the smoked fish, is some cream cheese and dill. I crumble up the fish, and here’s an important trick. I put the cream cheese in the microwave for three minutes, then it is very easy to mix with the fish and dill. I put it into those 9.5 ounce containers after they have cooled, and into the fridge. You can microwave the containers for a minute before serving to make the mixture more “spreadable”.