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Fishin' Reports

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Reports > 2022 > March > Tuesday 29
Tuesday, March 29, 2022
By Eric Granstrom
For I'm Eric Granstrom. Whomever is in charge of this thing sure has a sense of humor. There are two times in your life when you're afforded more time to go fishing. Once when you're young and have no job or responsibilities. Second, when you're old and established in your life and are either retired or winding down your work-world so you can take more time to do it. The only problem is that these bookend fishing opportunities in life are piled with problems. When you're young, you have no idea what you're doing! You can barely tie a knot, read conditions and fish and if you land anything, it's mostly luck. When you're old, you've attained all the worldly knowledge of the environment. You've studied your quarry. You have a greater understanding of the value of patience. But you can't see. Your bladder's the size of a peanut. Your fingers don't want to work and your circulation's so bad, you can't stand temperatures below 45-degrees! Believe me, I can tie some really good knots...if I could only SEE the line and the eye of the hook! Oh the plight of a fisherman's life! Until next time, Good Fishing!