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Reports > 2019 > January > Tuesday 01
Tuesday, January 1, 2019
By Eric Granstrom
For, I'm Eric Granstrom. The attempt with this column is to provide fishing information, insight, and stories to lovers of the great outdoors. The words you read here also serve as the script for our radio reports heard on KPQ and KOMW. I've known Dave for over 20-years now and I've never known him to have a bad day. I've worked around him in radio and now I'm proud to say I work with him on and I can honestly say Dave is the most positive person I've been around. His love of fishing and extolling the virtues of the sport is unmatched. Dave has worked and volunteered tirelessly for the better part of his adult life to try to enhance the sport of fishing and opportunities to fish. His voice and insight has helped move the needle with politicians to help promote our recreational plight. You'll notice that despite the continual barbs thrown his way behind the protective obscurity of the internet, Dave never responds. I hope Dave's supporters join with me in thanking him for his service, especially with his VOLUNTARY involvement with the Fish and Wildlife Commission. Happy New Year Dave. Until next time, Good Fishing!