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Reports > 2019 > January > Thursday 03
Thursday, January 3, 2019
By Eric Granstrom
For, I'm Eric Granstrom. There you are. You're panting and puffing. Blood is coursing through your veins as your heart drums a rapid beat. The exhilaration of catching that prized fish overcomes you. There's a mix of bewilderment and confident power. That moment when you realize all the crap you've thrown overboard at these finned-fiends has finally paid off. Now that you've landed the fish, what next? Well, take a picture of course! Or, if you're lucky enough, someone grabbed the video camera or captured the moment on their smart phone. Because, let's be honest, the fish tails of today HAVE to be accompanied by the fish for the phone in your pocket to say, "here, take a look!" When I've been out with Dave aboard various boats, sometimes I'm held to secrecy on the location. But for today, since the event took place in November of 2014, I think I'm safe. Aboard with Shane Magnuson of Upper Columbia Guide Service, we snuck up the Okanogan River just before ice over to pull some plugs, looking for steelhead. Also on board was Loren Dunbar. Those on Facebook can see the whopper he landed...yes the video! Until next time, Good Fishing!