I want to remind everyone that there is an important meeting coming up on Tuesday, October 20th. This is one in a series of meetings that WDFW Director Jim Unsworth has scheduled across the state to gather public opinion on the department’s policies and plans for the future. I attended one of the first meetings that was held in Selah and it was very different from other public meetings that I have gone to. These are called listening meetings and that’s why they are different. Instead of the department describing their plans, after an introduction by Director Unsworth, those who attend are directed to tables set up around the room where they can meet department staff. Here you can tell staff your concerns and suggestions about how the department does their business. At each of the meetings the comments are gathered and will be used as the department moves forward as they plan policies, rule making and other issues. I urge everyone to attend. The meeting will be held at the Port of Chelan County Technology Center, 285 Technology Center Way in Wenatchee. It will begin at 6 p.m.