If you would like to plan an outdoor adventure while friends and family are in town for the Holidays, there is some good ice fishing going on in our region. The best prospect for really big perch and even some nice walleye through the ice is at Moses Lake. The ice cap is holding up and so is the bite for limit numbers of perch, including some jumbos of 12 to 13 inches. While the perch are not as large as the ones at Moses Lake, the action is usually pretty good at Fish Lake, near Lake Wenatchee. Up north, in the Methow Valley, Patterson Lake is also producing decent catches of perch, and these are larger than most of the fish at Fish Lake. There are a couple of other lakes worth exploring. One is Palme Lake outside of Tonasket. This one can produce excellent catches of perch and also has come very large burbot taken in the winter. A trip to Lake Roosevelt would be worth while. Not only are lots of nice rainbow being caught, a few of the big kokanee are also being taken by trollers in the vicinity of Spring Canyon Park.