My wife and I ran up to Wells Dam recently, to try the afternoon fishing. There were a good number of boats fishing off the bar below the ramp, and a few in the big eddy across the river. I headed for the eddy and put out two different colors of the old style Super Baits. I joined the parade that circles the edges of the eddy, and the boat ahead of me landed a jack. I thought, great, there are fish biting! We missed a good bite on our next pass, and then I saw Don Huffman, Huffman’s Guide Service arrive on the scene. He soon landed a jack himself. When he got close he said that he had taken four fish that day, including a nice big fall run that he held up for the camera. I was getting dizzy driving in a circle and decided to see if I could get something down below, back trolling. I put out a couple of plugs and went to work along a shoreline that has been very productive for me over the years. I got a fish on my second pass, but it was a wild steelhead. Oh, well, there’s always the next time. Wells is a good place to spend one of these nice summer nights.