Soon lakes in our region will start to lose their cap of ice. There are lakes that are open year-round that offer great fishing for trout as soon as the ice clears off. There are a bunch of lakes in Grant County that open on March 1st that are very popular. I wanted folks to know that I have done a series of videos of the lakes in the Quincy Wildlife Area that describe these lakes and what people can expect to catch in them. I did a video of Moses Lake that shows all the boating accesses, and what anglers should find in the vicinity of these launch sites. Another project I did was for Grant County PUD that shows their boating accesses on the Columbia River all the way from below Rock Island Dam to above Priest Rapids Dam. These are great places for anglers to use to fish for walleye, bass and even salmon. I just posted a video that was taken at Billy Clapp Lake. It shows where anglers fish after ice-off and how to catch the trout that inhabit the lake from shore. All of these videos are available on the Dave Graybill Channel on YouTube.