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Reports > 2020 > February > Thursday 13
Thursday, February 13, 2020
By Eric Granstrom
For, I'm Eric Granstrom. Here's a question any working person should consider. How much is your time worth? Priceless? Well, not really. If you work or used to work, there was a price on your time. It was either hourly or salaried or commissioned or by the job. Any way you look at it, there was a price placed on your time. Kevin VanDam is the most successful fisherman in the history of Bassmaster tournaments, heading the career earnings list with $6.4 million. That's 30-years of tournament fishing for over $6-million. That's about $213,000 a year. He's fished in 314 tournaments. That's about 10-a year. Of course, it's changed in the 30-years he's been doing it, but it costs anglers nearly $20,000 to enter the elite tournaments these days. Figure in his boat, his gear, his truck and everything else, he's making good money. But how much time is he taking away from his family to earn it? So how much is his time worth? I'm a salaried employee so I really don't want to pencil out my hourly wage. But there are days when I feel my time isn't very valued. How about you? Until next time, Good Fishing!