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Reports > 2020 > February > Thursday 06
Thursday, February 6, 2020
By Eric Granstrom
For, I'm Eric Granstrom. Trust is a powerful thing. It begins within oneself. If you trust yourself, trusting others can be much easier. But it's a matter of how that trust comes. Trusting someone's word is temperamental. Especially if it's someone you don't know. Actions behind the words are what truly helps build a lasting trust between two people. What I'm getting at is whether I trust the weather man or not. Yesterday was National Weather Person Day. We have a former meteorologist at the TV station who is a great guy. And he really seems to know his stuff. However, his weather forecasts are correct about 60-percent of the time. Yes, that's a little better than flipping a coin. But when it comes to boating and fishing, trusting what the weather will do is a big thing, especially if you're heading out to a big body of water. The winds can really wreak havoc on your plans on a place like Lake Chelan because the rollers come down from up lake will reach all the way to the city. Lake Roosevelt has enough twists you can find a place to hide. Trust, it's the word of the day. Until next time, Good Fishing!