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Reports > 2014 > November > Friday 07
Friday, November 7, 2014
By Dave Graybill
Here is some good news for anglers that are fans of fishing for triploid rainbow trout on Rufus Woods Reservoir. Through their Colville Tribal Resident Fish program the Colville Tribe has recently released thousands of fresh triploids into Rufus Woods from the net pens at the upper end of the reservoir. On October 22nd 1,400 triploids were released, and on October 30th over 22,000 triploids were released. The fish in these releases average in size from 1.2 pounds to 1.7 pounds. All of the fish are adipose fin clipped. These releases are in addition to releases of triploids into Rufus Woods earlier this year. This popular fishery is maintained solely through Colville Tribal releases. Fishing for these new fish will be very good in the vicinity of the upper net pens on the reservoir that are owned and operated by Pacific Sea Foods. In a short time, the fishing will also be very good from locations above Chief Joseph Dam and at Brandts Landing Park, which is six miles up stream on the east shore of the reservoir. The tribe shares in the effort that releases over 750,000 triploids into Lake Roosevelt each year.