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Fishin' Reports

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Reports > 2014 > May > Friday 09
Friday, May 9, 2014
By Dave Graybill
There is an event coming up that salmon anglers throughout Central Washington will want to attend. Called the Salmon Summit it will be a very broad educational evening covering everything from the status of the fish passage at Wanapum and Rock Island dams, to the forecasts of the returns of salmon to the Upper Columbia this year and into the future. Organized by the Icicle Valley Chapter of Trout Unlimited, invitations to provide presentations have been sent out to a long list of state and federal agencies as well as salmon recovery groups and others that contribute to the enhancement of salmon fishing in our region. The Salmon Summit will take place on Tuesday, May 13th at the Chelan County PUD Auditorium on Wenatchee Avenue. It is scheduled to begin at 6:30 and could run until 9:30 in order to accommodate the number of speakers that will have input that evening. So mark your calendars and plan to attend this highly informative evening dedicated to topic of salmon in the Upper Columbia. I will be there with a presentation on the economic impact of salmon and steelhead fishing in our region, so I hop to see you there, too.