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Reports > 2011 > March > Wednesday 30
Wednesday, March 30, 2011
By Dave Graybill
I’ll be providing a seminar at High Mountain Hunting Supply on kokanee fishing in our region tonight at 6 p.m., but the April Fools opening of the many lakes in the Columbia National Wildlife Refuge happens on Friday. I wanted to give everyone an up date on what they can expect, according to Chad Jackson, fish biologist in the regional office in Ephrata. As I mentioned in my last report, the top picks in this area will be Upper and Lower Hampton lakes. There will be lots of nice rainbow available in Lower Hampton. Most of the fish will be 12 to 14 inches, with a few holdovers expected to be taken. Upper Hampton offers larger trout, over 16 inches, but the action here will be much slower. Jackson suggests that anglers take the short walk to the upper lake first, and then finish their efforts on the lower lake. Dry Falls, which is a quality lake, with selective gear restrictions and a one-fish limit, should be very good this season. Anglers can expect yearling rainbow of 13 to 14 inches, and brown and tiger trout, too. It is noted that North and South Teal lakes will not be fishable on the opener. They will not be planted until later this spring. The walk-in lakes are also excellent prospects for the opener