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Reports > 2011 > March > Monday 21
Monday, March 21, 2011
By Dave Graybill
Since we were in the neighborhood, Shane Magnuson and I decided to spend a little time on Rufus Woods Reservoir, after having great trout and kokanee fishing on Lake Roosevelt. There was spot that he had found some fat triploids on a previous trip, and he wanted to try a new method and see if they liked it. We threw the boat in at the rough launch just above the middle net pens and ran up the reservoir a couple of miles. There was a great stretch of water there, and enough current to try is new trick, which was back trolling. Not just back trolling, but with side planers. We ran these out with diving Rapalas and two other rods in holders. We really hadn’t backed down very far when SNAP, a release popped on the outside planer. I grabbed the rod worked the fish up to the boat. It turned out to be quite a surprise. A 21-inch brown trout! I had never got a brown at Rufus Woods, but there was the proof. We released the fish and continued fishing, but had not other success. I’ll never forget that brown though; first one for me anywhere on the Columbia.