I took advantage of the great weather we had this past Sunday and made a trip up north. I am working on a series of TV Shows on the public accesses, boat launches and good fishing holes from the shore. This time my wife and started the camera in Pateros. We had already done one on the Similkameen from Enloe Dam and the upper Okanogan River, and the Okanogan River down to Rattlesnake. I wanted to show from Pateros down to Rocky Reach in this episode. Things were quiet on the docks and in the boats while we were in Pateros, but when we were leaving, I spotted Keith Roe, the Department of Fish and Wildlife fish checker for the area, and joined him at the launch above the bridge. At least two anglers had some success that morning. Chelan angler Jerry McKinney and his fishing partner had three nice steelhead, and Keith was checking them for coded-wire and PIT tags. They had been anchored near the bridge where the Methow enters the Columbia and were using shrimp-baited bobbers and jigs. When my new JetCraft gets here that will be one of the first places I will try.