Here’s some good news on the steelhead fishing on the Wenatchee River. All of a sudden anglers are doing well on this stream, very well. Conditions have come together to create great opportunities, especially for those who are floating the river. Jeff Stroup, fish checker for the Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife, saw a huge improvement in success in the last week. In one day he checked 16 fish, and all but three were wild, which is what the ratio is expected to be on the Wenatchee this season. Many of the boats that Stroup checked were making their first trip of the season, and it appears that they timed it just right. Not every boat had fish, but one had landed five. Most of the boats checked were fishing the upper river, which is also good news. This indicates that fish have finally moved into the Wenatchee and are dispersed throughout the system. I imagine that this same circumstance is happening on the Methow River. Steelhead fishing has now officially started on the tributaries to the upper Columbia. You can bet that I will be concentrating on the smaller rivers until the new JetCraft gets rigged.