There are some big changes in the Chinook salmon fishing areas this year in the Brewster Pool. I had forgotten about the 1,000 year flood event that impacted the Similkameen and Okanogan Rivers back in 2020 that wiped out the spawning grounds in these rivers. The return to the Colville Hatchery is expected to be just a small fraction of what they need for brood stock gathering. Knowing all this the Colville Tribe shared this with the Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife, and they agreed that measured needed to be taken to maximize the return to the hatchery. As many of you know the Colville Hatchery at Bridgeport is a major contributor of Upriver Summer Salmon, Spring Salmon and even Steelhead smolts every year. It’s one of the reasons our summer run returns have been consistently good. To help get as many fish as possible back to the hatchery, the Brewster Pool will be closed to fishing for Chinook salmon this year, but will be open for sockeye, with a big return forecast. Fishing will be allowed for Chinook above Pelican Point. Please refer to the graphic on my Facebook Page to see this year’s fishing area.