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Reports > 2012 > April > Monday 30
Monday, April 30, 2012
By Dave Graybill
The entries are flying in now as the date gets closer for the Trippin’ with the Triploids Derby nears. At a recent seminar held at Town Ford in East Wenatchee, a large percentage of those that attended were there to see what Anton Jones of Darrell and Dads Family Guide Service had to say about catching triploids on Rufus Woods Reservoir. The derby, that is being held on Saturday, May 12th, promises to attract anglers from all over the state. There will be cash and prizes awarded for big fish and such, and the lucky angler that catches a tagged trout could win my Jetcraft boat from Bob Feil Boats and Motors worth over $40,000.00! If you want to learn all about the derby, just go to my web site and click on Trippin’ with the Triploids at the top right hand side of the Home Page. You can get the rules and registration through the link to the derby web site. There will be a welcome get together and seminar by Anton Jones on Friday evening to give anglers a last minute brush up on triploid technique. This will be a fun derby. The organizers have worked hard to be sure people have a great time whether they catch any fish or not. I hope to see you there.