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Reports > 2022 > November > Friday 11
Friday, November 11, 2022
By Dave Graybill
When I was entering Dan’s Market in Leavenworth the other day I noticed a flyer on the bulletin board. It was announcing an event provided by the Upper Columbia United Tribes called “Salmon: Showing Us the Way Home”, presented by Dr. Michel on November 14th, at 7 p.m. The program will be about the collaborative efforts to return salmon to their historic habitats of the upper Columbia River. Many of you may be aware of the releases of Chinook salmon by the Colville Tribe into the Columbia above Chief Joseph and Grand Coulee dams. Adult Chinook were tagged and followed to see how they would adapt to this new environment. Methods to allow for the passage of salmon above these two dams have been explored. This program would be of interest to all of those who would like to learn about the possibility of restoring salmon returns to the Columbia River above these dams. This is a Zoom program and the best way I have found to register and get a reminder about the event is to go the Wenatchee River Institute and click on the Calendar. This will lead you to a form to get you signed up.