I’ll be doing something different today. A video crew from ComCast SportsNet in Portland is coming up to do a feature, that I will be part of. The plan is to have the host of the show arrive at Fish Lake via dogsled. Then they will come out on the ice and meet up with Fred Harvey from the Cashmere Museum, and me. We will then introduce the program’s host to the sport of ice fishing. I talked to some people that have been having very good success catching perch through the ice at Fish Lake. The perch are decent size, the typical 7- or 8-inchers that are always plentiful in the lake, and they are catching some rainbow trout, too. I plan to get there well ahead of the film crew so Fred and I can find a school of perch and promise good action when the cameras roll. I am hoping that I won’t have to drill too many holes before I find the fish. I’ll let everyone know how it went. I am still getting good reports on perch through the ice at Moses Lake and Patterson Lake, near Winthrop is good for large perch, too.