I have mentioned a meeting coming up that salmon and steelhead anglers would want to attend, and I need to give everyone some updated information. The meeting is about the Coast Conservation Association and their plans to help salmon and steelhead recovery. This group has had great success with efforts like this in the Gulf States and on the Eastern Seaboard. Gary Loomis will be traveling to Wenatchee on Thursday, April 10th to explain how the organization works and what he is doing to establish a Northwest Chapter of the CCA. The meeting site has changed and will now be held at the Wenatchee Brethren Baptist Church at 535 Okanogan Street. It will begin at 6:30 p.m. The meeting place has been changed from the previously announced location. I urge everyone that has an interest in salmon and steelhead fishing to attend this informational meeting and learn what this group has to offer. When you come to the meeting please use the rear church entrance off the parking area. Please pass the word on to all your fishing friends. I will be there and plan to join this every effective fishing advocacy group.