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Wells Tom and Dave
Tom Vershueren (left) and I celebrate catching a sockeye on a tough day of salmon fishing below Wells Dam.
Lake Wenatchee Boat Launch 2
Here is the crowd of boats that were waiting to take out at the boat launch at Lake Wenatchee State Park.
Lake Wenatchee Sockeye Rollie
Rollie Schmitten shows off a nice sockeye he took opening day at Lake Wenatchee.
Lake Wenatchee Shane Sockeye
Shane Magnuson of Upper Columbia Guide Services got in on the sockeye action at Lake Wenatchee.
Fish Lake Dock
The dock at Fish Lake was lined with kids and families last weekend. Trout are still being taken from the dock and now the perch are biting, too.
This salmon is trying to make its way over the dam in the Tumwater on the Wenatchee River. A mix of sockeye and summer-run fish can be seen here now.
Icicle Rainbow
Here's an example of a small rainbow taken on the Icicle River.
Big Wally's Gill Net
This gill net was removed from Banks Lake recently. It was full of whitefish and a few walleye. Poaching like this is a threat at the lake.
Tom Vershuren helps display the triploid that his father-in-law Dave Wooldrige caught on Rufus Woods.
Jo Wisniewski (left) and Dennis Beich, both from the Ephrata office of the WDFW show off a 27-inch walleye taken from Moses Lake on the 4th of July.
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